We are delighted to be able to share some feedback from this year’s Paediatric Respiratory Conference with you. With a year’s worth of planning and over 100 faculty and a significant amount of work going into the event to make it a success, we are pleased to see so much positive feedback.

Particular highlights from the feedback include:

99.2% of delegates agreed that the conference met their learning needs

98.6% of delegates agree that their attendance at the conference has changed their practice

99.2% of delegates would recommend this conference to colleagues and friends

Comments from our 2019 Delegates

“This conference was excellently run, had a great range of topics, and was useful for both general and respiratory paediatricians.”

“Every year gets better – good to continue to get allied health professionals presenting as well as medics.”

“Excellent organisation – talks were of a superb standard.”

“Really good mix of research, emerging treatments and practical tips from the experts!”

“An excellent meeting that I hope continues to go from strength to strength.’”

“Every year gets better, good to continue to get allied health professionals presenting as well as medics.”

“Excellent conference – great balance of talks and topics. I will definitely be coming again!”

“Another excellent and well-run conference, thank you. I’m already looking forward to next year!”

“Great value and excellent venue. Would definitely recommend it for all general paediatricians as well as allergy and respiratory physicians.”

Conference delegates

The conference organisers are incredibly thankful to all delegates who attended over the three days for their engagement and for taking the time to provide this valuable feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back next year to share more innovative Paediatric Respiratory knowledge.

With best wishes

Atul and the conference team

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